Welcome to my new site. This is a way of interacting about art, the process of making art and, most importantly, a dialogue with the viewer.
I have been compelled to explore abstract art over the past 10 years as guided through dream imagery. I have studied many different mediums of expression as an artist since I was a kid. My Dad was an amazing art student when he was in high school. From my earliest memories I would look at the portfolio of works that he did and it just seemed magical. Pen and ink, pencil drawings and caricatures that were very accomplished. I miss him. He is still a presence in my thinking as an artist.
I have moved through different genres of working as an artist. I periodically go back to figure study because that is the foundation I believe develops drawing skills. The figure is the most elusive to draw because even the most subtle movement can change a pose. I also studied ceramic sculpture for 10 years and the experience of working in 3D follows through in the making of 2D work. I am self taught as an abstract expressionist artist. There is a challenge in creating these works that stimulate my imagination to always look for new possibilities. There are various strategies that I use to bring the viewer closer to the work and to become involved in their own process of making up the narrative or sensing the feelings in the work. Thank you for appreciating original work. In an increasingly dialed-in digital world perhaps my work brings the individual back to a sense of freedom of expression.